Med School Application To-Do List
- Reach out to ask for letters of recommendation
- Update resume if needed for recommenders
- Brainstorm ideas for personal statement/start thinking about what specifically motivates you to become a doctor
- Refer to this article from the career center!
- Using MSAR/DO EXPLORER make a spreadsheet of potential target schools to apply to, writing down all pertinent information so it’s all in one place
- Compile a list of all potential activities including activity type, contact information, and action items associated with the activity
- If you haven’t taken the MCAT, you should be studying to take it by April/May at the latest.
- Continue asking for recommendation letters, if not done yet
- Draft personal statement—this may take several versions, so brainstorming ahead of time will help you in the writing process!
- List out three significant activities and most meaningful remarks (you get an extra 1325 characters for these)
- Start drafting activity list (applicants are allowed 15 entries)
- Write up the 700-character description, contact information, hours, and position
- Use MSAR to continue editing and finalizing your school list
- Attend the AAMC medical school webinar on 4/19
- Attend 2023 AMCAS application cycle webinar 4/28
- Remind recommendation letter writers to send in their letters if they haven’t already—they can either submit directly to AMCAS or Interfolio
- Finalize your personal statement and Work/Activities section
- Order official transcripts from every college and university you have attended (once your grades have been posted)—Do this ASAP because most of the delay in application verification often come from this
- Register for the CASPer Test
- Register for AAMC PRE-view if your schools require it (previously called SJT)—list of participating schools here
- AMCAS application opens end of May: submit if you feel confident in your application
- Continue with primary applications if not yet complete—you want to submit as early as possible but also want to make sure you are putting your best foot forward
- Begin pre-writing secondary essays which can be found online from previous cycles
- Take the CASPer test if needed—some schools require it but some don’t → take it based on your school list
- Start preparing for interviews—read prep books, have a general idea of what you will say for “why medicine", and become familiar with MMIsUtilize the Career Center for prep
- Relax—it is a long waiting process, so find things to enjoy in the meantime
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